According to the details on Wednesday, representatives of civil society and businessmen staged jams, protests, shutter downs, and protests against unannounced load shedding, load shedding mobile networks by Telenor, Ufone, and other companies in Chinari, the center of seven union councils.
Before the protest started, Assistant Commissioner Hattian Bala Syed Ghulam Mohiuddin Gilani, along with the officials of the Electronics Department and PDO Department, reached Chinari Rest House where they met the former candidate Ward Sadak Chinari Raja Saddam. After conducting negotiations with civil society and business representatives under the leadership of Aziz and others, it was decided that from Thursday, December 8th, electricity will be fully restored in Chinari city during business hours from 9 am to 2 am. Most load-shedding will not be encountered Officials said that due to lack of water, the powerhouse is not generating full electricity, so the people should also cooperate.
The problems should be endured for a few months. After the abundant supply of water, the problem of load shedding will be solved. Assistant Commissioner Syed. Ghulam Mohiuddin Gilani said that we have informed the officials of the mobile companies regarding connecting the towers of all the mobile companies installed throughout the Jhelum Valley to the solar system.
The public’s stand is justified, the administration will also make full efforts on its own and the civil society will also continue its efforts until the installation of mobile companies’ solar systems with mobile towers across the Jhelum Valley district is ensured. Due to the closure of the towers, the mobile companies are suffering a loss worth millions of rupees.
Apart from their loss, the lives of the people have also been made difficult. Loss of lakhs of rupees can be avoided and with it the public, Even so, the problems caused by network suspension will be over