Kahuta, Azad Kashmir – In a shocking incident, the famous “Malyari Rock” in the village of Aura, Tehsil Khursheedabad, District Haveli, was destroyed by unknown persons on the night of April 16-17, 2024.
The Malyari Rock was a well-known tourist attraction in District Haveli, drawing visitors from all over Azad Kashmir and Pakistan. People would often climb the rock to take pictures and share them on social media.
According to reports, the destruction of the rock was a well-planned and deliberate act. The perpetrators used explosives to bring down the rock, causing significant damage to the site.
The incident has caused widespread outrage among the local community and the tourism industry. Many people have expressed their sadness and anger over the loss of this iconic landmark.
The police have registered a case at Thana Police Station City Kahuta, District Haveli, and have launched an investigation into the matter. They are using modern technical methods to track down the culprits and bring them to justice.
The authorities have assured the public that the perpetrators of this crime will be brought to justice. They are also taking steps to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
The destruction of the Billionaire Rock is a major loss for District Haveli and the tourism industry. It is a reminder of the need to protect our natural heritage and to take action against those who seek to destroy it.