According to the news agency Reuters, in the recent elections in India, Narendra Modi has once again succeeded in securing a majority and is prepared to become Prime Minister for the third consecutive time.
Experts had predicted Modi’s victory with a significant majority in the elections, but contrary to that, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has suffered a severe setback for the first time in a decade, while the opposition alliance led by the Indian National Congress has gained a significant number of seats.
With the arrival of the election results, Indian investors faced a major setback, with a downturn in the stock market, indicating that this time, Modi, who came to power in 2014 for the first time, will have to rely on at least three regional parties to form a government.
The Bharatiya Janata Party had won a simple majority in the 2014 elections and then secured an even better performance in 2019, which allowed their party to make unilateral decisions based on a strong foundation.
According to NDTV, as of the current results, under the leadership of the BJP, the ruling alliance National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has secured superiority in 292 out of 543 seats in the lower house of parliament, thus crossing the required figure of 272 seats to form the government.
This number is considerably lower compared to the seats won in 2014 and 2019, where the BJP won 281 and 303 seats respectively, and similarly, the number of seats for the NDA was higher.
Under the leadership of the Indian National Congress, the opposition alliance ‘India’ has secured superiority in 232 seats.
Despite unexpected results in the elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has thanked the public for their continued trust in the BJP and the NDA.
In their statement on the social networking site ‘X’, they expressed gratitude for the love and said that they would continue the series of good works done during the past decade.
They thanked the BJP members, saying that they would not be able to do justice to their splendid efforts.
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