Hattain Bala: In a recent crackdown, Dr. Tahir Raheem Mughal, the District Health Officer of Jhelum, acted upon the orders of Health Minister Dr. Ansar Abadali and Director General Health Dr. Aftab to confiscate, expire, and counterfeit drugs being sold openly.
During the operation, Dr. Tahir Raheem Mughal stated, “There can be no compromise on the health facilities and the quality of medicines for the people of Jhelum district.
Medicines purchased from the wholesale market of Rawalpindi will not be allowed to be sold within the district of Jhelum. Non-registered drugs, not registered with the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP), were found to contain toxic substances and were contributing to the rising mortality rates.
The medical store involved has been penalized for supplying medicines without a bill and has been closed down as a consequence.”
The move was applauded by the public, media, and authorities as it is a duty as well as an ongoing process to ensure the survival of future generations.
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