Hajira: In a controversial move, AJK Police arrested Sardar Khalil Khan, a prominent youth leader from Tingiran, Hajira (Pakistan-administrred Kashmir) upon his return to Hajira from abroad.
Sardar Khalil Khan, known for his writings aimed at improving his homeland while working overseas, was detained by Hajira police without a warrant while on his way home.
The arrest has sparked outrage, with accusations that the authorities have failed to provide employment opportunities in region for expatriates and instead live off the hard-earned money sent back by overseas workers.
Former Senior Program Organizer of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Cell, Kamran Sudhan, visited Sardar Khalil at Abbaspur police station. He was accompanied by Councilor Sardar Naveed.
Kamran Sudhan praised Sardar Khalil’s high spirits and congratulated him on his resilience.
Kamran Sudhan emphasized that the youth are a valuable asset and vowed that no retaliatory actions against them would be tolerated.
Sardar Khalil urged all youth, especially those overseas, to remain peaceful. Kamran Sudhan declared that they would fight against oppression.
The arrest of Sardar Khalil Khan has galvanized support from various quarters, highlighting issues of governance and the treatment of expatriates by the authorities in Azad Kashmir.
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