Muzaffarabad, (Azadi Times) November 15, 2023 – In response to the growing concern of the Congo virus spreading in Azad Kashmir, Dr. Muhammad Farooq Khan, Director of Health Services AJK, issued a statement outlining crucial precautionary measures.
The AJK Department of Public Health has taken proactive steps, providing guidance to medical institutions across the region for the care and treatment of potential patients.
The Congo virus, scientifically known as Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, is primarily transmitted to humans through infected ticks commonly found on livestock and domestic animals.
Additionally, human transmission can occur through the bite of infected animals or contact with their blood or meat. Dr. Farooq Khan stressed the need for vigilant observation when purchasing animals, ensuring they are free from ticks.
To address this concern, health officials recommend the use of insect repellents in homes, especially in areas with livestock or domestic animals. Spraying insecticides has been advised to curb the spread of ticks, and precautionary measures include wearing thick gloves during animal slaughter to prevent accidental cuts and infections.
The health advisory also highlights the importance of taking precautions while handling bones during slaughter or washing meat at home. Wearing thick gloves in such instances is strongly advised to minimize the risk of infections associated with the Congo virus.
With these precautionary measures, health authorities aim to raise awareness and ensure the safety of individuals in Azad Kashmir, particularly in areas where the Congo virus poses a potential threat. Stay informed, stay safe.