Brothers, colleagues, and friends! In our UC, one of our opposition parties had the government machinery and on the other hand, two times as Prime Minister and 16 years of continuous power and authority and countless funds within the constituency, despite this, the workers of this great PPP of Bhutto Shaheed.
The zeal and dedication with which he worked day and night and got record votes is his example. For this, you all deserve to be congratulated, my great colleagues! The election was a process that went through, so no one should be unfairly criticized on social media and on the ground, and the atmosphere of tolerance and brotherhood should be avoided. should be maintained. This is the lesson of the martyred founders of this party.
I believe that I do not need to be a member of the district council to serve the people. I will never disappoint the party workers and my allies. Defending your rights is my first duty and I will fulfill this duty till my last breath.
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