Bagh, Azad Kashmir: The 19th NCMC Conference, a conference of children from Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, was held in Dehrikot from March 1 to 8.
The conference was attended by students from all over the country, who participated in a variety of activities, including trekking, tree planting, and raising awareness about cleanliness.
The Deputy Mayor of Municipal Corporation Bagh, Syed Afraz Gardizi, said that the conference was a welcome development and that it had sent a positive message to Pakistan and the international community. He said that the conference would also create new opportunities for the promotion of tourism in Azad Kashmir.
Camp in-charge Saad Tariq Siddiqui said that the behavior of the local population was exemplary and that activities like NCMC play a fundamental and important role in the training of children. He said that dozens of children participated in the camp who for the first time became part of any training process outside their homes.
Students from Sindh, Punjab, Chitral, Balochistan, and Kashmir presented colorful programs in accordance with the regional culture and presented sketches on the protection of trees and saving electricity.
Syed Afraz Gardizi said that the trees planted by the children from all over the country would remain in these forests in the form of their memorial in the coming time. He said that the love and relationship between the Pakistani people and institutions and the Kashmiri people is everlasting. The Pakistani people have supported the Kashmir cause in every difficult time.
The conference ended with a Cultural Night, where the students presented their cultural performances. The event was attended by a large number of people, including local dignitaries and government officials.