After the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan, the Taliban are rapidly occupying various areas through their violent and terrorist operations.
Although the Afghan forces and other tribal militias are in front of the Taliban in defense of the people and the country Due to the non-availability of military equipment to the Afghan forces in the remote areas of the country the Afghan government, the Taliban are occupying some areas without any resistance, and this situation is extremely alarming.
The Taliban have completely violated human rights and the laws of war. killing their critics and opponents in inhumane ways, including journalists, artists, high-ranking government officials teachers, and highly trained special forces commandos.
Hundreds of people have been displaced from their areas and are seeking refuge in Uzbekistan, Baluchistan, Pakistan, and Iran, while many are moving to Kabul and other major cities to be safe because of the better presence of Afghan forces there. Europe including America P-Union is calling the occupation of Afghanistan by force of the Taliban an unconstitutional and repressive measure and has declared not to recognize the government established by force, but despite all the pressure of the international community, the Taliban force They want to seize power through drunken bloodshed.
During the Afghan peace talks with the United States in Doha, the capital of Qatar, the Taliban agreed that they will negotiate a ceasefire with the Afghan government and decide on a plan of action for power sharing, but When the foreign forces were withdrawn, they came forward as their violent and terrorist strategy and thus the world saw their duplicity, how the Taliban betrayed the whole world, including the United States, in the name of negotiations. Some international responsibilities. Sources have confirmed that Pakistan’s army and air force are behind the rapid advance and occupation of various areas by the Taliban. But Pakistan continues to deny it, as always. Intelligence and the CIA have revealed in their many reports That the strings of the Taliban are in the hands of Pakistan and Pakistan wants to make Afghanistan a province of its own.
First, the Taliban started the process of occupying the districts of Afghanistan, and then when the international community called this process a violation of the Doha Peace Agreement. They said that we will not occupy the center of any province, but like every time they reneged on their promise. And they have also occupied five provincial capitals of Kandahar, Kunduz, Nimroz, Sarpul, and Shabar so far.
This points to “Pakistan” as the real hand behind its power because reliable sources say that the entire leadership of the Taliban resides in Quetta and Karachi and other areas of Pakistan under the supervision of the military and intelligence agencies and from there on to Afghanistan. Instructions for occupation and inhumane and terrorist operations are being issued. The Afghan leadership has expressed that thousands of fighters have been sent from Pakistan to Afghanistan. Jaish-ul-Adl, a Sunni religious group of Pakistan fighting against the Shia sect Hundreds of fighters with modern weapons has been sent to Afghanistan through the border adjacent to Balochistan to help the Taliban.
All religious extremist groups, including ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Pakistani Taliban (TTP), are funded by Pakistan’s military establishment and are its allies. Capitals and proxies, have all united in Afghanistan and are fighting against the Afghan people. The severity of the situation in Afghanistan can be estimated from the fact that many ISIS fighters from African countries including Syria, Iraq, and Libya, are in Syria and Iraq. They were dispersed after the dispersal of ISIS, now according to independent sources, they are all heading to Afghanistan, from which it can be estimated that Afghanistan is going to become second Syria in this region. According to international observers, the Taliban and ISIS are on the same coin. There are two sides.
Just as Daesh in Syria shed blood freely in the name of Islam and its elevation, massacred humanity, destroyed the social structure and centuries-old human civilization and history, and created a humanitarian crisis that cannot be resolved. It will take centuries. Now the same process has been started in Afghanistan, the effects of which will not only affect Afghanistan but also Pakistan, Iran, and especially Balochistan. It will happen because it is already a war-torn area. Where the Baloch nation has been fighting for its freedom for the past two decades with the Pakistani army. And the Pakistani army has formed many extremist militias consisting of religious groups and made death squads to carry out the Baloch independence movement. But the most worrisome thing is that for ISIS and other religious extremist fighters, who are coming to Afghanistan, the land of Balochistan is seen as safe from the point of view of Afghanistan and a successful war against the enemy.
Political and social circles are more worried about Balochistan because most of the Pakistani army is active here and the army will give full space to Daesh and Al-Qaeda coming from outside like its religious extremists in Balochistan. Jakar proved to be a big risk to Pakistan’s internal security It will happen, but he will leave no stone unturned to throw Balochistan into a firestorm to crush the Baloch independence movement. And in this way, Balochistan will reach the verge of extinction in Syria, because millions of people have died due to the brutality of Daesh extremists, and Balochistan is Qiyaama has absolutely no power to endure.