While addressing, he said that Azad Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan during his visit to Line of Control on Eid-ul-Fitr, construction of District Press Club Hattian Bala building at Chanari and swearing ceremony of Press Club in the month of June. I had announced to give 18 lakh rupees and six motorcycles for Press Club Hattian Bala. Even after several months, the journalists of Jhelum Valley are very disappointed due to the non-implementation of the Prime Minister’s announcements. Most of the announcements and promises made by the Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir after the announcements made for District Press Club Hattian have been fulfilled.
Waiting for implementation The Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir will do another favor to the journalists of Jhelum Valley by immediately implementing his announcements. In this regard, Education Minister Dewan Ali Khan Chagatai and Local Government Minister Khawaja Farooq Ahmed should also play their role. It is possible to end the problems as soon as possible.